Monday 3 February 2014

Balakandam !! Maharishi Narada narrates the virtues of Lord Rama & Story of Ramayan to Sage Valmiki !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Ka: Nu Asmin Sampratham  Loke Gunavan Ka: Cha Veeryavan |
Dharmascha : Cha Kruthascha : Cha Satya Vakyo Drudavrutha: ||
Prajapathi Sama: Sriman Dhadha Ripu Nishoodhana:|
Rakshitha Jeevalokasya Dharmasya Pari Rakshitha||
Rakshitha Swasya Dharmasya Swajanasya Cha Rakshitha |
Veda Vedanga Thathwanjyo Dhanur Vede Cha Nishtatha: ||
Vishnuna Sadhrusho Veerya Somavath Priya Dharshana: |
Kalagni Sadhrusha: Krodhe Kshamaya Prithvi Sama: ||
Dhanadhen Sama: Thyago Sathye Dharma Iva Apara: |

Illustrious Sage Valmiki, who is highly intellectual in scriptures, got out of meditation enquiring the sublime enunciator Maharishi Narada about a person who has possessed all the incomparable virtues and capabilities.  Sage Valmiki earnestly requests Maharishi Narada to explain about an ideal person, who has all the righteousness/Gunavan, braveness/Veeryavan, truthfulness and self-determination,  a person who has thoughtfulness mixed together with good character, benevolence, cleverness and charismatic, a person who has fearlessness and complete control over senses/Jithakrodha:, brilliant/Dyuthiman, free from jealous and unconquerable.  Sage Valmiki reveals his immense desire to know about the person who has possessed all the qualities mentioned above to Maharishi Narada.  After listening to Sage Valmiki, the illustrious Maharishi Narada advised Sage Valmiki to listen attentively. Maharsihi Narada spoke ‘Oh! Sage, the above mentioned virtues are countless, those are difficult to attain for great emperors, but I have heard from Lord Brahma about a person who has possessed all the virtues mentioned,  I will narrate to you’.  Maharishi Narada narrates the attributes of Lord Rama, there was an illustrious Rama born in the Ikshvaku Dynasty, he was valorous, dedicated, glorious and has perfect control over his senses.  He was intellectual, proficient and was the destroyer of enemies; he had stunning physical features like attractive complexion, long arms, conch shaped neck, high cheek-bones, wide chest, strong shoulders, wide forehead, beautiful eyes and he had the pace of lion.  He was the knower of righteousness, extremely concerned about the welfare of his subjects; he was the guardian of all the living beings on Earth, he was the sustainer of all worlds and annihilates enemies.  He was the protector of righteousness and his subjects, he was knower of Veda and Vedanga, and he was proficient in the science of archery.  He was the knower of the essence of scriptures and he was revered by the whole world, he was kind and highly intelligent.  Just like an ocean accessible to its tributaries, he was always accessible for the wise and intelligent and he treated them equally.  He was the embodiment of all the virtues which made his mother Kousalya extremely blissful.  He was possessed the knowledge like an unfathomable ocean, he has the unquestionable power like Mount Himalaya.  He has the valor of Lord Vishnu, he has charismatic features like full moon/Lord Chandra/Soma, he has the perseverance like Earth/Prithvi, he has the wrath like fire/Lord Agni/Kalagni, and he has the benevolence of Lord Kubera. Rama had the intrinsic merits like truthfulness, courageousness, involved in the welfare of the subject and was the dearest elder son of King Dasaratha, hence he was chosen to be crowned as the King of Ayodhya.  Kaikeyi, the dearest wife of King Darasarath was not in favor of the idea of King Dasaratha.  She approached King Dasaratha and claimed for the boons accorded that was banish Rama from the Kingdom of Ayodhya and anointment of Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya.  The righteous King Dasarasatha, bound by promise exiled Rama from Ayodhya.  Rama sincerely followed the words of his father and honored the promise of his father given to Kaikeyi.  Lakshmana , younger brother of Rama dutifully followed his brother to forest, thus augmented the happiness of his mother Sumitra.   Sita, the virtuous daughter of Janaka and daughter-in-law of Dasaratha followed her husband devotedly to forest like Rohini follows her husband Lord Chandra.  The people of Ayodhya and Dasaratha sorrowfully followed Rama in a chariot led by Sumantra up to Shrungaberpura, a town near the river banks of Ganga.  Rama met the tribal chief Guha, an ardent devotee and bade farewell to the people of Ayodhya. 


Rama, Sita and Lakshman preceded their journey through the woodlands, after crossing several miles of dense forests and rivers; they arrived at the hermitage of Sage Bharadhwaja.  At the instruction of Sage Bharadhwaja, they moved to Chitrakooda, constructed a beautiful hermitage and settled there.  They found immense pleasure in the life in Chitrakooda in the middle of wild forest; they lived the life of deities and celestials.  It was the period; King Dasaratha attained salvation at the separation from his dearest son Rama.  Sage Vashishta and illustrious Brahmins advised Bharatha, the intelligent and efficient to rule the Kingdom of Ayodhya after his father to take up the monarchy, but he refused to accept the kingship and proceeded to the forest seeking mercy at the feet of Rama.   Bharatha reveals his powerlessness to rule the Kingdom and pleads Rama to accept the Kingship, but Rama remains unyielding against the sincere wish of his brother in order to protect the promise given to his father.  The compassionate Rama pleased his brother by offering his sandals as a mark of his presence in the ruling of Kingdom.  Bharatha was deeply dejected returned to Nandigrama, the place where Bharatha resided till Rama’s return from the forest and administered the Kingdom of Ayodhya.  Rama along with Sita and Lakshman moved to Dandakavanam, the dwelling place of vicious demons.  Rama killed the demon Viradha, met illustrious Sage Sharabhanga, Sutheekshna, Sage Agastya etc…Sage Agastya offered bow of Lord Indra to Rama.  While living in the hermitage of Sage Sharabhanga, many sages and holy men approached Rama with a request to annihilate the demons of Dandakavanam, Rama promised them to protect from the ferocious demons.  During this process, Rama disfigured Shoorpanakha, a demon resided in Janasthana, and killed fourteen thousand demons lived in Dandakavana.  Khara, Thrishira and Dhushan, cousins of Shurpanakha also had the same fate.  Ravana was infuriated at the valorous deed of Rama and sought the help of  Mareecha to ploy against Rama.  Mareecha dissuades Ravana informing the valiant nature of Rama who exterminated fourteen thousands of demons in Janasthana.  Ravana refused to pay attention to Mareecha, appeared before the hermitage of Rama, eventually distracted Rama & Lakshman from the sight and abducted Sita.  The eagle king Jatayu who was fought against Ravana to retrieve Sita was seriously wounded conveyed the message to Raghava and attained salvation.  The compassionate Rama performed last rites of Jatayu and continued his journey.  On his way, Rama met the vicious demon Kabandha and provided salvation to him, before leaving his mortal coil Kabandha informs Rama about Shabari, a righteous and zealous devotee of Rama; Shabari  was received Rama with great honor.  Rama met the valorous Hanuman on the banks of Pampa and had a intellectual conversation with him, eventually Rama had companionship with Sugriva, monkey King who was equally bereaved at the separation from his wife abducted by his brother Vali.  Rama explained to Hanuman & Sugriva about the abduction of Sita, in return Sugriva narrated the untoward happenings caused by his brother Vali.  Sugriva was not satisfied with the powers of Raghava, he advised Rama to encounter the remnants of a powerful demon Dhundubhi, Rama trampled Dhundubhi under his feet toe and ripped off seven trees in single shot of an arrow and proved his matchless proficiency before Sugriva.   It made Sugriva overjoyed; he witnessed his own victory over Vali in Rama’s triumph.  Shortly, Rama had a fierce battle with Vali and he was killed in the battle.  Eventually Sugriva was crowned as the King of Kishkindha.  Sugriva summoned huge army of monkeys to four directions in search of Sita, daughter of Janaka.   Hanuman crossed hundred yojana of vast ocean upon the encouraging words of Sampathi, elder brother of eagle King Jatayu about the existence of Sita.  Hanuman located Sita in the Ashoka Vatika, pleasure garden in the Kingdom of Lanka ruled by the demon King Ravana.  Sita was detained under the custody of vicious demons, she was meditating upon Rama; she was surrounded by numerous horrendous demons.  Hanuman pacified Sita and presented her with the Ring of Lord Rama.  Soon, he started to thrash the pleasure gardens, killed five army chief of Ravana, Seven sons of minister and the powerful Akshakumara, shortly Hanuman was tied up with Brahmastra by Indrajith.  Though Hanuman was well capable to release himself from the Brahmastra as he was received boon from Lord Brahma, he remained immovable to observe Ravana and have a word with him and witness the strength of his army.  Hanuman burned the entire city of Lanka with the fire on his tail except the Ashoka Vatika.  He returns to Rama with the nectar like message that he has witnessed Sita in Ashoka Vatika.  Rama along with Lakshman and Sugriva with a huge army of monkeys arrived at the seashore, Rama paid salutations to King of Ocean, but he was unyielding.  Rama propels arrows into Ocean, eventually built a bridge across the vast ocean with the help of the enormous army of monkeys led by Nala.  Rama entered in a fierce battle with Ravana and released Sita from his clutches.  Sita had to face humiliation as she was resided in the custody of Ravana, the honorable Sita proved her chastity by entering into the fire.  All the deities and celestials praised Rama on his victory over the demon King Ravana and eulogized Raghava in his great accomplishment. Rama crowned Vibhishana as the King of Lanka and returned with all the monkey warriors to Ayodhya in Pushpaka Vimanam.  On his way back to Ayodhya, Rama visited Sage Bharadhwaja, deputed Hanuman to convey the message of his arrival to Bharatha in Nandigrama.  The four brothers removed their matted hair locks at Nandigrama, accepted the Gruhasthashrama once again.  Consequently, Rama was crowned as the King of Ayodhya, the people of Ayodhya rejoiced over the abundance of wealth, predominance of righteousness and enjoyed living a life free from illnesses, fear, famine etc…  There were no widows or unfortunate death of children, there was no natural calamities or thieves.  The people of Ayodhya were righteous and lived a blissful life.  Rama performed countless Yagnas and Yagas and pleased the deities, offered abundance of wealth, gold, millions of cows as alms to Brahmins and scholars.  People of Ayodhya lived in perfect harmony and the four Varnas such as Brahman, Kshyatriya, Vaishya & Shudra followed their customs sincerely.  In this way, Rama ruled the Kingdom of Ayodhya for glorious eleven thousands years and established righteousness on this land and proceeded to the Abode of Lords. 


Whoever reads or listens to the glories of Rama would be eradicated from the sins, she/he will enjoy all the worldly pleasures with his sons, grandsons etc..  Finally attain salvation at the lotus feet of Lord.  Ramayan should be taught by a teaching-class/Brahmin who has the excellence in speech to Kshtriya the ruling class, Vaishya/trading-class and Shudra/working-class.  Thus Maharishi Narada described the glorious Ramayan to Sage Valmiki.
Jai Sriman Narayana !!